Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More Winter Tips to Paint and Create!

I'm glad that some of you found my last post helpful! Here are some more to get your creative juices flowing this season:

1. Journal Refresher-Using a moleskine journal (e.g. 5" x 8" or smaller), unlined or similar, draw ideas with notes whenever and wherever you venture to. Carry a black fine line permanent marker and a few colored pencils in a ziplock bag in your jacket pocket or purse. Observe the things around you, such as people that are traveling, baren trees, the winter landscape, and objects in waiting rooms are all perfect subject matter to voice your creative spirit while you're on the move.

2. Get inspired from a "Master Artist"-Select someone you admire and connect with. For example, I chose Matisse for his line and color. Start with a piece of quality paper. Use ink, twigs, brushes, paint, and charcoal. Draw with calligraphic lines (thin, medium, and thick marks), add color pools and then respond with new layers. The key is not to copy another artist, but to get into his/her spirit through imitation. This can lead to a full investigation of the artist which is fine for gaining insight and motovation to produce your own work.